It is absolutely incredible how much God is moving in my life and in many of my friends' too. We all seem to be captivated by Him, seized by His look of love upon us.

And on this Good Friday, I meditate on a beautiful image of this incredible group of people whom I love so much, huddled at the foot of the Cross, gazing up to our Loving and Merciful Lord, totally consumed at the thought of His immense love for us in the sacrifice we celebrate today. To recognize this love is sometimes a difficult task, in that it truly takes a temporary abandonment of this life and a total engulfment in the heavenly. And if you have taken a look around our world lately, there is not much sacredness around.
Somehow, God has surrounded me with people who have made that journey into the sacred, and we are moving on the path of holiness together. It is overwhelming sometimes to feel the Holy Spirit move among us, and the thought alone of what our futures entail is both incredibly aullring and extremely frightening. Surrounding yourself with people who would gladly give up everything they have to follow our Lord is very dangerous (in a good way, of course), and yet very fruitful.
Those who are seized by His love encompass themselves in His mercy; they gaze upon Christ crucified and praise His ultimate act of love. In the same way, we gaze upon our Savior in the Holy Eucharist and constantly thank Him for this ultimate Sacrament of Love. We long to unite ourselves with Him in the most perfect way possible. We must keep in mind, however, that the only perfect way is His way; the only wholeness of our vocation is what God calls us to. All we can do is prepare ourselves for that moment He calls, so that like the fishermen who cast their nets into the deep and the gave up everything to follow Him, we might move switfly after our Lord. Let us cast our nets into the depths of His heart and fill them with everything He is, for then we will discern where we belong in the world.
"Those who let themselves be seized by this love cannot help but abandon everything to follow Him."
Vita Consecrata