29 November 2009

Thirsting for Hope

"The contemporary world needs hope above all..."

Pope Benedict XVI

On a duty day a couple weeks ago, it was a quiet Saturday evening. As I stood watch in the afternoon, I found out that we had a new sailor coming to the ship that evening. And not just any new sailor, but a sailor who will be in my division! Later that evening, I went topside to use my phone when the young sailor came onboard. I watched him walk down the pier, looking with a heart of pride and a hint of anxiety at his first ship. He was in dress blues with a sharp cover. He walked onboard and I met him at the brow, introduced myself as his division officer, and welcomed him aboard. He offered a crisp salute; you could see he was nervous and overwhelmed. I spoke with him for a little while, and then some other sailors took care of getting him set up. As he walked away, I couldn't help but be excited for him.

I stayed outside talking with some people and expressed to them my excitement for our new sailor. They teased me and were surprised how excited I was--I voiced how this sailor was another step toward a renewal and new hope. He was fresh out of boot camp--unaffected by any kind of negativity or bad attitude that can sometimes thrive on the ship. He is the future. I wish all of us kept that fervor and vigor of our first days onboard--eager to learn and with a bit of fear. I think we'd all be better for it!

I reflect on this again, especially now as we celebrate Advent and then the Christmas season--this season in which we are reminded that our God came to be one among us to save us, to be the hope the world needed, then, and forevermore! We each have the opportunity to be the hope the world needs--to be Christ--wherever God has placed you. So as you adore the little Christ child this Christmas, pray that He give your heart a renewal of joy and of hope, that we each might bring Christ to the world; a world thirsting for hope.