16 August 2011

His eye is on the sparrow

This has definitely been "the summer of Audrey Assad," at least when it comes to what has been most frequently enjoyed on my iPod! (haha, no rhyme intended) Her latest album, "The House You're Building," has been a staple in my life these past couple months. I started listening to it in its fullness around March and kept it on throughout the summer. Its songs have expressed the realities of my heart through what has been the most unexpectedly formative period in my life.

A song she has yet to release, but can be heard in her concerts and captured in some recordings online, is called "Sparrow." You can listen to it here. The lyrics follow.

Why should I be lonely, long for heaven and home
When Jesus is my portion and a constant Friend I know

I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free
For His eye is on the sparrow, His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He's watching me

Why should I be troubled when His tender word I hear
I rest on His goodness in my doubt and in my fear

It's hard to imagine life as a little sparrow. These tiny birds eat seeds, fly around, and live a seemingly meaningless existence. But their voice, their song, is beautiful and precious to God, their Creator. If God could so esteem a sparrow as to keep His eye on him, how much more does He esteem and keep guard over us? Why should we be lonely or troubled?

Rest on the goodness of the Lord.