28 August 2007

Restless Hearts

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Augustine, a Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Raised a Christian, Augustine lost his faith and led a wild life. After living with a woman for many years, having a son, and dabbling in heresy, he was converted by the prayers of his mother, St. Monica (whose feast we celebrated yesterday) and help from St. Ambrose. He sold his property, gave the proceeds to the poor, and founded a monastery.

I ask for the intercession of St. Augustine upon all those young people who might have lost their faith. As St. Paul writes in his letter to the Romans:

You know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at hand.

For truly, we know not what peace is until our souls rest in the hands of God. No pursuits of the world can fill our inherent desires for something greater. St. Augustine learned this, and then turned his heart to what is greater. Let us all follow his lead!

"Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless
until they rest in you."
~St. Augustine of Hippo

08 August 2007

Nashville: Rome of the South!

The "Bible Belt" has been rocked today by the One, Holy, Apostolic Church!

The Knights of Columbus are celebrating their 125th Supreme Convention at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee! There thousands of Catholics converging on Nashville over these next three days. Among them are His Eminence Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, who is second in power to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. The Cardinal, along with one hundred Bishops and Cardinals and at least that many priests, celebrated an opening Mass for the convention this morning, taking place at the famous Opryland Hotel and Convention Center in Nashville.

Unfortunately, I'm not in Nashville right now to be able to experience it as the "Rome of the South" right now, but thanks to technology with coverage on EWTN, I've gotten to witness everything, including seeing several of our seminarians serving Cardinal Bertone, and Mother Ann Marie and Sister Marie Dominic from the Nashville Dominicans! I think my parents think I'm crazy for watching this on TV and getting so excited...

I think this points out the beautiful universality of the Catholic Church, as our humble little city of Nashville could be the place where Knights and their families, Cardinals, Bishops, and priests from all over the world, to share what makes us one--our Church, instituted by Christ, kept strong by His Presence in the Eucharist.

During the homily at the Opening Mass, which Cardinal Bertone gave in Italian (hence everyone with translators). Notice the two Dominicans of St. Cecilia, Sister Marie Dominic and Mother Ann Marie!!

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

"It is not only priests and religious who have a vocation, but it every Christian is called by Christ to carry out a particular mission in the Church."
~Cardinal Bertone

06 August 2007

Face to Face with Divinity

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration, where Christ's Divinity was revealed to His apostles on Mount Tabor. They hear the words of God the Father declare, This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased. Divinity collided with humanity that day--or at least, humanity truly realized the Divinity that was dwelling among them.

Have you ever considered how we can enounter the Transfiguration in our lives? Where do heaven and earth collide, where the mortal encounter the Divine? As Saint Peter wrote in today's second reading, "we had been eyewitnesses of His majesty." (2 Peter 1:16) Do we not eyewitness the majesty and glory of the Lord as we Eucharistically commune with Him in the Holy Mass? We have the opportunity everyday to witness the Transfiguration on altars all around the world through the miracle of transubstatiation in the Holy Eucharist.

Let us never take lightly the gift our Lord has left us in the Mass to see His face. May we always remember this: "We posses the prophetic message. You will do well to be attentive to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts." (2 Peter 1:19)

I felt today's Feast would be an appropriate occasion to post this little video I made highlighting the "Beautiful Collision" in the Holy Mass.

"Everything in man should halt in awe. Let all the world quake and let Heaven exult when Christ, Son of the Living God, is there on the altar."
~St. Francis of Assisi

05 August 2007

A Little Facelift

So you might notice a few changes around the place. There's a fancy new heading, featuring the Cross of San Damiano and the logo of the Order of Preachers, meaning "to praise, to bless, to preach." Wow, I love Dominicans! So there's that, along with some other goodies, including my musical influences on the sidebar. Also take note of a new link, my friend Michael Avery's blog, I Want You to Arise with Me. Check it.

So I'm reading Pope Benedict's new book, Jesus of Nazareth, and am just blown away. How blessed we are to have such a brilliant man leading our flock. I'd totally recommend you read it. If you just can't wait and want to be immersed in his incredible knowledge, check out his writings on the Vatican website.

A young Father Joseph Ratzinger as a theology professor
at the University of Regensburg in Germany.

"In carrying out his ministry, the new Pope knows that his task is to make Christ's light shine out before the men and women of today: not his own light, but Christ's."
~Pope Benedict XVI

04 August 2007

The Cure of Ars

Today we celebrate the feast day of Saint John Vianney, a parish priest from France. He is known for spending hours in the confessional each day for his parishoners, and took the tiny town of Ars from a parish with poor attendance to a place where 20,000 pilgrims visit each year. He was known for having the gifts of discernment of spirits, prophecy, hidden knowledge, and working miracles. St. John Vianney, ora pro nobis!

"I tell you that you have less to suffer in following the Cross than serving the world and its pleasures."
~St. John Vianney

Where to Begin?

I've finally returned home after over two months of traveling. God has been moving so intensely in my heart throughout each step of the summer, and I'm overwhelmed as to what to write next.

Stay tuned for a post on my most recent travels in the beautiful country of Honduras.

"Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you."
~St. Peter, John 21:17