The Knights of Columbus are celebrating their 125th Supreme Convention at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee! There thousands of Catholics converging on Nashville over these next three days. Among them are His Eminence Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, who is second in power to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. The Cardinal, along with one hundred Bishops and Cardinals and at least that many priests, celebrated an opening Mass for the convention this morning, taking place at the famous Opryland Hotel and Convention Center in Nashville.
Unfortunately, I'm not in Nashville right now to be able to experience it as the "Rome of the South" right now, but thanks to technology with coverage on EWTN, I've gotten to witness everything, including seeing several of our seminarians serving Cardinal Bertone, and Mother Ann Marie and Sister Marie Dominic from the Nashville Dominicans! I think my parents think I'm crazy for watching this on TV and getting so excited...
I think this points out the beautiful universality of the Catholic Church, as our humble little city of Nashville could be the place where Knights and their families, Cardinals, Bishops, and priests from all over the world, to share what makes us one--our Church, instituted by Christ, kept strong by His Presence in the Eucharist.
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
"It is not only priests and religious who have a vocation, but it every Christian is called by Christ to carry out a particular mission in the Church."
~Cardinal Bertone
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