25 November 2007

Newsworthy Nashville Dominicans

So as you might have figured out by now, I am enamored with the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, aka the Nashville Dominicans, and am blessed to know them. They've been in the news quite a bit this year, and most recently in an article by the Washington Post. I wanted to make sure you're all aware of a religious order at the "tip of the spear" in the New Evangelization. Holiness is HERE!

Washington Post Article
Sydney Morning Herald
Salt+Light TV Canada
Catholic News Service
Tennessee Register
The Boston Globe
Facebook Group/Fanclub

Pray for this order and for a renewal of consecrated life in America and the world. Pray for those discerning a call, that they might have the courage to stand up against the culture of death to give their lives entirely to Christ for the sake of the Kingdom.

"The Church is alive. And the Church is young."
~Pope Benedict XVI

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your witness of a joyful faith.