17 January 2008

Caught in His Gaze

To be caught in the gaze of our Lord. Is this possible? We so constantly go through our lives thinking we're just always looking up towards Him, but do we ever think that He looks upon us with even more love? We encounter this in Scripture in a very beautiful way in the parable of of the rich man, specifically in St. Mark's Gospel. The words drip beauty and really show a powerful aspect of our Lord's ministry here on earth. As the young man was asking Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, the response of Christ, before he utters any words, is this:

Jesus, looking at him, loved him.

What that gaze must have felt like. The gaze of the Word made flesh, the gaze of Love itself; pouring over you and consuming you. Can we encounter this now? Can we sit in the gaze of Jesus? Of course. Make a holy hour with the Blessed Sacrament, and just sit, and look. Be still. Just BE with Him; that gaze, which has been called the greatest miracle of all, will envelop your whole self.

Our eyes are small, but they can see the beauty of His majesty, no matter if we think we can contain it. His eyes, though, see infinitely, into the depths of our souls. And He looks upon us with such love. May that gaze continuously take hold of us; the gaze of the Almighty yet Humble, the Just yet Merciful, our Never-Changing and Everlasting Beloved.

Let His gaze capture your heart. Let His gaze heal your wounds. Let His gaze bring you the peace you are searching for. How we long to rest in His gaze for all time!

As a bridegroom calls his bride, let Jesus tell you,

How beautiful you are, show me your face, let me hear your voice.

And may we be captured by Him, and quickly respond,

I looked for You, the one my heart loves
I looked for You, but did not find You
Searched through the night until I rested in Your sight
Now I will never let You go.

"What happiness do we not feel in the presence of God, when we find ourselves alone at His feet, before the Holy Tabernacle! 'Come, my soul, redouble your ardor! You are here alone to adore your God! His look rests on you alone!"
~St. John Vianney

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