23 February 2007

A Taste of Heaven

I know I mentioned Eucharistic Adoration in the post below, but I just wanted to reiterate how absolutely wonderful it is. Seeing my Lord and Savior face to face, spending time just looking at Him and living in His Holy Presence is beyond words.

As humans, the thing that tends to limit us in everything we do is time. Schedules, meetings, classes, meals--everything is set for us based on time. For me, Adoration is always an event where I can truly escape time. Experiencing the beauty of silence, the flickering light of candles on the Altar, the scent of rising incense, and being in the Presence of my Lover seems to be the right formula for me to let go of the world and embrace the life of the sacred--to experience the life of the Heavenly.

Don't get me wrong, the ultimate experience of Heaven on earth is the Holy Mass, where we commune ourselves, through receiving the Holy Eucharist, with all our brothers and sisters in faith both on earth and in Heaven, and of course, the Trinity itself. But, in Adoration, we have that time to just be still and know that He is God, to simply gaze upon the King of Kings and hear Him speak to us, His heart to our own.

If you ever question how much God loves you, go to Mass to re-experience His sacrifice, then spend time with Him in Adoration. Release your worries of the world and open your heart before Him. Jesus will lift your heart up to Heaven and it will dwell there with His Father and all the Saints. And you will find the peace you are searching for.

"O God, you are my God-- for you I long! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts. So I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life."
~Psalm 63:2-4

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